Background of the study
Accidents are one of the phenomena that have an impact on increasing cases of morbidity and mortality in the community. One of the factors that cause the increase in cases is the provision of first aid, especially at the pre-hospital stage which is not appropriate. In this case, the community plays an important role in providing first aid to traffic accident victims, because the community is the first person at the scene and is often exposed to traffic accidents. However, there are still many people who choose not to approach when an accident occurs because they do not understand how to do first aid. This is also influenced by public awareness and knowledge regarding the handling of traffic accident victims who are still lacking (Mariza Elsi, 2019). The results of research conducted by Torano & Parante (2018) regarding the description of public knowledge on first aid in traffic accidents in Jayapura City show that 83% have less knowledge about how to first aid in traffic accidents. Knowledge of first aid should be owned by the community because people who understand handling victims can save the lives of victims before being given treatment by the medical side. Knowledge also affects a person's response in taking action quickly and precisely (Karima, Nuraeni, & Mirwanti, 2019). According to Rajaratenam, Martini, & Lipoeto (2014), adequate knowledge can affect a person's attitude in providing first aid to traffic accident victims. Attitude is a person's tendency to act, think, and feel in dealing with a particular object or situation. Attitude is a person's response to a certain stimulus which, if based on appropriate knowledge, can develop an appropriate attitude. The higher a person's knowledge, the higher the stimulus and affect the attitude to be taken. Attitude affects a person's awareness in determining actions and actions when reacting to something, one of which is the response in providing first aid to victims of traffic accidents (Mastarida, 2020). Kureckova et al., (2017) explain the basic steps that the community can take in providing first aid to accident victims are checking the situation (security, number of victims, and the entire scene), taking quick action if there is something that could endanger the victim's life (no unconsciousness, heavy bleeding, and shortness of breath), and perform the treatment (if the victim is conscious and not bleeding, it is necessary to monitor the situation and ask about all important matters) and think about situations that can be life-threatening. Meanwhile, according to Kurniawati et al., (2020), some basic skills that must be possessed by the community in providing first aid to traffic accident victims include basic life support measures, splint dressing, and victim transportation. These actions can be carried out appropriately if the public knows effective first aid for accident victims. Traffic accidents are also one of the leading causes of death in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that traffic accidents result in the death of around 1.35 million people worldwide every year and cause 20 to 50 million people to be injured. The highest number of deaths due to traffic accidents are in the Southeast Asian region, amounting to 20.7 deaths per 100,000 population (WHO, 2018). Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia with a high number of accidents. Data from the Central Statistics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia stated that the number of accidents in 2018 was 109,251 cases with total mortality of 29,427 cases. One of the provinces with the highest accident rate in 2018 was East Java with a total of 24,757 cases and mortality of 5,308 (BPS RI, 2018). Batu City also contributed to the number of accidents in East Java Province, which amounted to 299 cases with a mortality of 30 cases (BPS Kota Batu, 2020). Based on a preliminary study conducted by researchers, it was found that one of the locations in Batu City which is prone to traffic accidents is on Beji Highway. Besides being caused by human error or driver error, the condition of the road which is the main access to the city center and tourist area is mostly traversed by large vehicles and has a fairly steep geographical condition because it is located in a highland area. This condition is increasingly dangerous, especially when it is raining or foggy which causes road conditions to become slippery and interferes with the driver's visibility so that it becomes a factor in traffic accidents. Based on the data on this background, researchers are interested in identifying the relationship between knowledge and public attitudes in first aid for traffic accident victims.
Statement of research problem
First aid entails the primary care administered for a sudden illness or injury [1]. Firstaid plays an important role in minimizing the devastating consequences of road trafficaccidents (RTAs), which are a major global public health issue. Many people get injuredor lose their lives due to RTAs on a day-to-day basis, which in turn make RTAs one of theleading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and this highlights the importanceof first aid; we cannot underestimate or minimize the value it provides [2–4]. First aid serves as the first line of defense in saving people’s lives, decreasing the rateof injuries, and providing instant care until an ambulance and a medical team arrive to help. For example, there was a 2014 study conducted in Northern Nigeria; the study was conductedon 500 drivers selected randomly from transport companies. The sample underwent first aid training courses and was then evaluated after 0–3 months and4–6 months. Improve-ment in giving first aid efficiently was observed; also, the rate of correct interventions washigher after 4–6 months than 0–3 months. The study concluded that first aid programsdesigned for drivers were beneficial and enhanced road traffic accidents as a prehospitalcare system. First aid is defined as prompt assistance given to someone who has become suddenlyinjured until professional help arrives or until the injured patient regains health. The main and primary goals of first aid are to save life, relieve pain, prevent further harm or damage,and facilitate quicker recovery. Promoting first aid education is crucial for every agegroup, including kindergarten children. This universal learning can happen through liveclasses, online courses, and public health campaigns. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic accidents (RTAs) areresponsible for approximately 50 million injuries and about 1.2 million deaths worldwide.Also, they are the eighth leading cause of disability-adjusted life years. In the UAE, the top four causes of death are cardiovascular disease, injuries, cancer,and respiratory diseases. RTAs are a leading cause of premature death and long-term disabilities, especially among men under 35 in Nigeria, escalating the numbers of physical disabilities and enduring handicapst. This study therefore seeks to assess the importance of and effect of first aid in road traffic accident.
Objectives of the study
- To determine the usefulness of first aid for road accident victims.
- To determine how often accident victims receive first aid.
- To determine how effective first aid treatment is to accident victims.
Research questions
- What is the usefulness of first aid to road accident victims?
- How often do accident victims receive first aid?
- How effective is first aid to accident victims?
Research hypothesis
Ho: There is no relationship between first aid treatment and recovery of accident victims.
Ho: There is no relationship between available first aid treatment and recovery of accident victims.
Ho: There is no relationship between effective first aid and recovery of accident victims.
Significance of the study
The findings of this study will be useful to health officials as it will reveal the extent of medical priority assigned to accident victims. Also, the findings of this study will be use to road officials such as the Nigeria Police force, the federal road safety corps, vehicle inspection officers and even the Nigeria Army. These authorities will find the findings of this study useful and help them in making accident victim-based decisions.
Scope of the study
This study will be limited to the responses garnerned from the medical officials in Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun state.